Attractions around Great Linford
Explore 1 attractions, restaurants, shops around Great Linford
4.5 (21)
Great Linford Manor Park
Great Linford, Milton Keynes MK14 5AS England
Great Linford Manor Park is a unique park in Milton Keynes that boasts a rich history dating back to Saxon times, featuring many points of interest, such as the impressive Water and Wilderness gardens initially laid out to provide a beautiful setting for the Manor house, which is now privately owned. In recognition of its significance, the National Lottery Heritage Fund awarded The Parks Trust £3.1m to 'Reveal, Revive and Restore' the park's special historical features and make it an interesting and attractive place to visit. Today, the park has been rejuvenated into one of the best places to walk in the city, capturing the essence of what the area would have looked like in the past. Visitors can explore the historical features with plenty of information boards, playful art sculptures, and self-guided trails.
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